
Web3 is in the midst of something worse than a crypto winter. You could instead call this period the aftermath of the meteor that wiped out the crypto dinosaurs. Our goal in building the Arda ecosystem is to offer a path into the next stage of crypto's evolution. In doing so, we are taking lessons from the current crypto landscape and instituting guardrails that the global Arda community will help us to evolve over time. 1. All Funds Deployed on a 12-Month Rolling Basis The purpose of the Arda project is to aggregate a vision for the future on-chain and channel those collected resources out into the world. Keeping funds on a balance sheet for years on end does not accomplish this goal. The Arda community governance bodies will have a mandate to deploy funds within 12-months of when they were received. Coded into the Arda smart contract is the automatic return of funds not spent within 12 months to investors.

2. Maximum of 30% Token Ownership There are numerous issues that arise around concentrated ownership of altcoins, especially when held by the founder. Balance sheets become skewed, founder incentives are tied to propping up the price of the token, and volatility among a small percentage of holders can crash the market. Coded into the Arda smart contract will be a hard cap of 30% ownership of total ARDA share tokens in circulation by any one party.

3. Disclosure of Influential Ownership Numbers don't lie. However, numbers, data, and statistics are collected by fallible people. We acknowledge that a growing Arda ecosystem can be exploited if care is not taken. To this end, we will require transparency from all members of organizations from whom Arda draws its data. This transparency will come in evolving formats such as partially-anonymized collection of tax returns and wallet monitoring. However, we hope to build out the robustness of this compliance framework with the help of the Arda community over time.

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