The Arda Index

A Crypto ETF that tracks Global Flourishing

The Arda Index is composed of a wide range of indicators that track global progress towards a brighter future. Each of these indicators are available to the public and are maintained by a number of international non-profits, educational institutions, NGOs and think tanks. In the beginning, each individual indicator will be weighted equally within the master Arda Index, but over time, and with the input of the Arda community, these weights will be adjusted.

Our rationale for this approach is the way paved by those such as economist Amartya Sen or the kingdom of Bhutan in taking a holistic approach to our progress as a species by accounting more than simply just economic indicators like Gross Domestic Product. To this end, our goals for Arda are grounded in three north stars:


We believe that together, these guiding principles encompass the totality of human experience, starting with the individual, and moving up to the planet. Therefore, the standard to which we and the future global Arda community commit to holding ourselves is the extent to which our actions align with each of these three values. There are six categories of indicators within the Arda Index that reflect our commitment to these values:


Each of these of these elements being included in the Index reflects their interconnectedness and the need to maximize each one to better ourselves and the planet.

***Our goal long-term is to add to, refine, and build on these initial proposed indicators over time, with the active participation of the Arda community. This is only the beginning of the process. Your contributions to this effort will be invaluable.***

CLIMATE: Reducing human impact on the warming of the earth's atmosphere, oceans, sea ice, and land systems is an unmitigated good. Regardless of personal politics or the material impact climate policy has on people's lifestyles, we strongly believe that positive change in global greenhouse gas emissions, climate policy, and renewable energy should be celebrated, promoted and supported.

ECONOMIC INEQUALITY: Research suggests a rise in social instability when the gap between the rich and the poor grows overly large. We do not advocate for socialism, redistribution, nor any specific political position. However, we believe that humanity thrives when at least the floor is raised for the least fortunate.

HEALTH & NUTRITION: Health is an incredibly broad concept and there many indicators we could have chosen. We decided to focus on nutrition because of the strong correlation between diet and long-term health, mental wellbeing, and life satisfaction.

FREEDOM: An enshrining and protection of basic human rights and freedom of expression are values that are key to human flourishing. These are rights that are relatively recent phenomenon in the context of millennia of human history, however, we believe that culture thrives when rights are respected and every voice has a chance to be heard.

SOCIAL COHESION: We believe that societies are greater than the sum of their parts when they possess a strong sense of community, shared values, and are united in purpose. Societies that are able to balance freedom of expression and debate with a commitment to the greater good are more productive, happier, and healthier.

HAPPINESS: Happiness, fulfillment, and contentment are at the center of all positive action in every facet of life. Happy people care for their neighbors, communities, and planet. Health and happiness are inextricably linked, while societies that are freer and strive against large gaps between the rich and the poor are proven to have higher rates of life satisfaction.

The Arda Index is derived from the sum of the 2021 scores for each of the six indicators weighted equally. The resulting figure is indexed to 2021 as the base year and set to base 100.

Last updated